The Prolific


Home Repairs

The Prolific 7, Inc. provides home repairs to low-income seniors, veterans, and disabled individuals in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Our primary focus is based in Douglas County Georgia, but we assist other home repair non-profit companies throughout Atlanta, GA. We believe that everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home, and we are committed to making that a reality for as many people as possible.

Guides and Assistance Programs

Our assistance programs are tailored to address various needs. We offer:

Our Passion:

Our passion is to help owner occupant people who are struggling to maintain their homes. We believe that housing is a basic human right, and we are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to safe, secure, and affordable housing. We work to help families who need it most, including those who are experiencing a hardship, at risk of becoming homeless due to code violations, or living in unsafe or inadequate housing.

Supporting Families

We provide support services to help families navigate the complexities of life. We work with families to help them understand their options, identify resources and programs that may be available to them, and help them to live a better quality of life. Visit our community resources page for more information.

Loving Our Community:

The preservation of dignity, autonomy, and the familiar comfort of home is invaluable for seniors, veterans, and the disabled. For many in these groups, their homes are not just structures; they are repositories of memories, achievements, and the very essence of their personal journeys. However, the shadow of code violations, often due to factors beyond their control such as financial hardship, physical inability, or lack of awareness, can threaten this sanctuary, risking displacement and the erosion of their quality of life.

Helping these individuals to maintain their homes and comply with local codes is a noble endeavor that goes beyond mere charity; it is an investment in the fabric of our communities and a recognition of the contributions that these individuals have made—and continue to make. For veterans, who have sacrificed immensely for the common good, ensuring they can live safely at home is a small but significant way to honor their service. For seniors, whose wisdom and experience enrich our lives, it is a gesture of gratitude and respect. And for the disabled, assistance in navigating and rectifying code violations affirms their right to live with dignity and independence.

Loving Our Community:

The preservation of dignity, autonomy, and the familiar comfort of home is invaluable for seniors, veterans, and the disabled. For many in these groups, their homes are not just structures; they are repositories of memories, achievements, and the very essence of their personal journeys. However, the shadow of code violations, often due to factors beyond their control such as financial hardship, physical inability, or lack of awareness, can threaten this sanctuary, risking displacement and the erosion of their quality of life.

Helping these individuals to maintain their homes and comply with local codes is a noble endeavor that goes beyond mere charity; it is an investment in the fabric of our communities and a recognition of the contributions that these individuals have made—and continue to make. For veterans, who have sacrificed immensely for the common good, ensuring they can live safely at home is a small but significant way to honor their service. For seniors, whose wisdom and experience enrich our lives, it is a gesture of gratitude and respect. And for the disabled, assistance in navigating and rectifying code violations affirms their right to live with dignity and independence.